NWRWRF Plant Expansion
This project was an expansion of the existing NWRWRF Plant from 10 MGD to 30 MGD. The major phase of the Hillsborough County Water Consolidation Project (WCP).
This design-build project includes design, permitting and construction of an expansion to the Hillsborough County Northwest Regional Water Reclamation Facility (NWRWRF). The existing permitted 10 million gallon per day (MGD) advanced wastewater treatment system will be expanded to treat 30 MGD. The plant will be receiving flow from the to-be decommissioned Dale Mabry / Carrollwood WWTP and the soon to-be retired River Oaks WWTP. The project expansion footprint and access improvements will result in approximately 12 acres of jurisdictional wetland impacts and will require environmental permits from the Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) of Hillsborough County, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the United States Army Corps of Engineers. This is the largest CIP in the history of Hillsborough County Public Utilities - costing close to $200 million. Applied Sciences is part of the Garney Construction/Wharton Smith Joint Venture (JV) team and is providing environmental permitting services and stormwater design support. Applied Sciences is coordinating with the County, FDEP, SWFWMD, HCEPC and USACOE representatives for permit issuance and turnover to operations. The permit from Hillsborough County EPC was issued on 4/28/17 and FDEP and US Army Corps of Engineers permits were received at the end of May, 2017.
LOCATION: Hillsborough County, 11005 Dale Stitik Dr. Tampa, Florida 33626
AREA: Highland Park / U - Unincorporated /County Owned
DATE: October 2021
SIZE: 274.47 Acres
CLIENT: Garney/Wharton-Smith
ROLE: Project technical review, project USACE, FDEP, EPC, HC DSD permitting, streamlining, Team coordination and submittal. Assisted in coordinated Team and agency project site field reviews for geotechnical and wetland impact minimization, and final project RAI submittals and project permit achievement.
COLLABORATORS: Stantec, Tetra Tech, Metzger & Willard
FEATURES: Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Reclaimed Water Storage and Distribution, Public Multi-use Recreational Trail